Long Connection WIFI rental and prepaid sim card service in Japan

If you have a travel visa or short-term visa, for less than 6 months, and cannot open a bank account in Japan, you’ll be unable to enter into an internet contract by yourself.

But No worry about that, our service  provide to short- long term residence in Japan.

Apply online and just wait the delivery at your place.

Long Connection WIFI rental


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Exclusive Extension plan


5,500¥ / 1 month (including VAT)

183¥ / day

With this additional plan, you can extend your initial two month plan for another month. This rental plan for those who plan to come to study or work in Japan. Plan to live or stay over 2 months then extend every month at a rate of 5,500 JPY/month. Data usage 100GB per month. The extension plans are also available by the week. The coverage  is also for all 8 regions of Japan including its' chain of islands. Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto , Chubu, Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu (including Okinawa) このプランは、最初に2か月プランを申し込んだ方のみ利用可能です。 追加すれば、最初の2か月プランをさらに1か月延長することができます。 2か月以上の滞在を予定している場合、月額5,500円で毎月延長が可能です。 100GBデータ容量  

Short and Long term rental (2 months rental)


11,000¥ / 2 months (60 days)

183¥ / day

2 months (60 days) rental plan : For those who plan to come to study or work in Japan. Plan to live or stay over 2 months. This plan is recommended for short to long term stays of 3-6 months or longer. Pay the first 2 months of the rental fee and then extend every month at a rate of 5,500 JPY/month. Data usage 100 GB per month. The extension plans are available by the week or month. The coverage  is also for all 8 regions of Japan including its' chain of islands. Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto , Chubu, Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku, Kyushu (including Okinawa) 2か月(60日)レンタルプラン:日本に留学や仕事で来る予定の方向けのプランです。 2か月以上の滞在を予定している方にもおすすめです。3~6か月、またはそれ以上の短期から長期の滞在に適しています。 最初の2か月分のレンタル料金を支払い、その後は月額5,500円で毎月延長が可能でフレキシブルなプランです。 1か月100GBデータ容量

Short term rental plan (30 days plan)


6,000¥ / 30 days (Including VAT)

200¥ / day

30 days rental plan : For all travelers who plan to visit family in Japan, work, attend seminars, or travel for a short period of time. Data usage 100 GB per month The coverage is for all 8 regions of Japan, including its' chain of islands.  (Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu, Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu, including Okinawa). If you plan to travel or stay in Japan from 3 weeks or up to a month, this plan will fit yours'. It's also convenient to use it when working outside or when moving around Japan. No deposit requires for the rental plan. 3週間から1か月程度旅行や滞在予定に最適なプランです。 外で仕事をする際や日本国内を移動する際にも便利に利用できます 100GBデータ容量

Softbank Internet SIM card (internet only)


5,000¥ / 1 month (including VAT)

166¥ / day
if you prefer to use your smartphone rather than carrying a pocket wifi for long stay, minimum rental period is 2 months. Data usage 100 GB per month. ポケットWIFIを持ち歩くよりもスマートフォン1台利用して楽なプラン (最低利用期間は2か月から) 100GBデータ容量 動画や音楽、ゲームなどのさまざまなサービスを利用するのに十分な容量

Traveler plan (14 days plan)


4,900¥ / 14days (including VAT)

350¥ / day

2 weeks rental (14days plan):

Targeted to all travelers who plan to come to work, attend seminars, or travel for a short period of time. Spend up to 2 weeks (14 days) at a flat rate. If you're on a short trip of less than 14 days to Japan, it's worth using this plan. 国内の出張や観光旅行中にインターネット接続が必要な場合、14日間のWi-Fiレンタルは非常に便利です。 最大2週間(14日間)を定額料金で利用可能です。14日未満の短期旅行もOK!